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Planning Board Minutes 07/07/08
Greenfield Planning Board Meeting Minutes
July 7, 2008
Minutes Recorded by Kathleen Carpenter

7:00 pm - Start of Meeting
Members Present: Morris, Adams, Steere, Carrara.

7:10 pm - Consultant Carol Ogilvie
Carol presents to the board changes discussed at the previous review meeting for the subdivision regulations.  Fletcher arrives at 7:14pm.  Private Rights of Way and Private Roads still need to be discussed.  Road Standards need to be discussed after Driveway Regulations.  The Board would like to see if Duffy Fox could be available to discuss the Road Regulations at the next meeting on July 14, 2008.

The Board moves on to discuss the Greenfield Driveway Regulations.  Carol discusses the regulations.  Carrara asks where the definitions come from, Carol states that these came from other work she had done.  Carrara would like a definition for ‘common driveway.’   Carol states that on page 5 there are provisions for ‘shared driveways.’  The Board discusses whether a common driveway should serve 2 structures/parcels or 3, the current standard is 2.  The Board discusses section 3 that a driveway should be required.  Carrara would like to make certain there is a safe entrance during the construction cycle for emergency purposes.  The Board would like to continue the discussion later.  The Board would like to know what ‘tip down’ means as stated in section 5.  Carrara discusses the location of the driveway (section 5 paragraph 1).  

The Board engages in a discussion regarding whether the driveway must be built where it is shown on the plat and whether it can be changed.  The Board discusses whether all driveways should be required to be paves, the Board believes that a paved apron should be required only when it meets an existing paved road.  Adams suggests that this question should go to Duffy Fox.  The Board addresses ‘passing lanes’ requirements for 300’+ driveways, this is for emergency vehicles.  For (g) Adams questions the 12” of acceptable material, the Board would like to look into what the current Greenfield regulations are and generally like the use of 12” of material.  For (h) the Board likes 12%.  In discussing culverts, Adams believes ours are 15” requirement, this draft states 12”.  Also the 60 GPW culvert strength is good (oil truck, fire truck, dump truck, etc.)  Carrara would like to speak with Duffy Fox about this.  

The Board would like to discuss the use of Agents, such as Duffy Fox and Peter Hopkins and what extent they have approval authority.  The Board already use Duffy and Peter as their agents. Is it better if the approval authority comes from one place, the Board, the Board’s agents, etc. There may be confusion if there is no central point for approval and record keeping.  

The Board would like to take out the street naming requirements.  Carol states that normally it is the BOS that can approve the names.  Carol suggests that some of these regulations belong under roads and not in driveways.  The Board discusses slopes regulations.  Adams feels we are very restrictive in Greenfield where Peterborough provides a 19% grade.  Carrara looks like the current regulations, which are not to exceed 5%.  Adams states that this was meant that it must be 5% at the last part of the road just in case of icy conditions.  The Board likes the less restrictive regulations.  Steere talks about whether a fire truck could get up a larger than 19% slope in the winter.  The Board would like to use the 19%, the last 20’ cannot be greater than 10% grade.  Adams feels that this would give people’s land back to them for use.  The Board discusses drainage and erosion control, the Board likes the new regulation but would like to ask Duffy if its perhaps too restrictive.  

Carrara questions why driveways of 1000’ or containing slopes greater than 15%, require an engineering plan.  Steere suggests changing the ‘will’ to ‘may’ so that the Board could request an engineering plan if the circumstances warranted.  (x) shared driveways, this discussion will be taken up later.  The Board would like to change the term ‘shared’ to ‘common.’  Morris would like to know if the Board should require an engineer, the Board would like to retain the requirement for independent inspections.  The Board discusses the requirement for a Maintenance Agreement for common driveways before the driveway permits are approved, these should be submitted along with the permit application.  

The Board discusses who has the authority to approve temp driveways for logging, etc.  For driveway permits people normally go to Peter Hopkins.  Carrara would like to have something right up front that states that driveway permit applications go to the CEO as an delegated Agent of the Board.  236-13. Carrara would like to keep admin and permitting with the CEO, and in the permit application section this should be added as well.  

Regarding the bonding of driveways, it is not required now.  Carrara feels that this could cause a lot of paperwork and cost the town money.  Steere feels that it may save the town money in the long run if the town road is damaged during driveway construction.  Morris suggests that the certificate of occupancy could be held until the road is repaired.  Adams points out that if damage is done to the roadway the owner will be liable for the repairs in any case.  Carrara feels that at a minimum, the driveway access should be completed, safe and accessible before the foundation inspection is signed off on.  This makes it safer earlier (line of sight, slope, drainage, etc) than waiting until the occupancy permit.  Carrara and Morris agree that the building permit should not be approved or at least the foundation inspection not okayed until the driveway apron is complete and safe.  The Board agrees that it must be done earlier, prior to the occupancy permit for safety purposes.  The Board agrees, the bond would not be necessary but ‘may’ be required depending upon the circumstances to recover any costs to reach the current driveway regulations requirements.  The Board is in general agreement.  The Board feels that they have visited a good amount of the document thus far.   Carol will email Carrara with her available dates for a follow up meeting.

9:05pm  Steere moves to adjourn the meeting, Morris seconds, no discussion, all in favor, the meeting is adjourned.